This example uses the FileType property to determine the file type of the image specified in the Image property.
Private Sub cmdFileType_Click()
'Reads the FileType property to determine the FileType of
'the image specified in the Image property
Dim strImgFileType As String
'Read the Filetype and translate the value to a
'corresponding string.
Select Case ImgEdit1.FileType
Case 0
strImgFileType = "Unknown"
Case 1
strImgFileType = "TIF"
Case 2
strImgFileType = "AWD"
Case 3
strImgFileType = "BMP"
Case 4
strImgFileType = "PCX"
Case 5
strImgFileType = "DCX"
Case 6
strImgFileType = "JPG"
Case 7
strImgFileType = "XIF"
Case 8
strImgFileType = "GIF"
Case 9
strImgFileType = "WIF"
End Select
'Display the file type on a form
'for informational purposes.
frmInfo.lblImgInfo(0).Caption = strImgFileType
End Sub