InsertExistingPages Method

Description Inserts page(s) in the ImageFile object.

Page(s) to be inserted must come from an existing file.   If the pages being inserted come from an image file of a type different than the active image file, the pages are converted before being inserted.   After inserting page(s), all PageRange objects are invalid.   You can optionally cause a dialog box to open for the end-user to select a file from which to insert page(s).

Syntax ImageFileObject.InsertExistingPages [imagefile], page, count,
pagenumber[, dialogflag](ImageFile, ImagePage, Count, Page, DisplayUIFlag)

Remarks The InsertExistingPages method uses these parametersts:

PartParameter Data Type Description
imagefileImageFile String The image file from which page(s) will be inserted (the source image file).
ImagePage Long The page to insert before The page in the source image file from which to start inserting pages
pagePage Long The page to insert before.
countCount Long The number of pages to insert
Page Long The page in the source image file from which to start inserting pages
pagenumber The page in the source image file from which to start inserting pages.
dialogflagDisplayUIFlag Flag True — Displays a dialog box that allows the end-user to select a source image file
False (Default) — Does not display a dialog box
If you specify True and the selected file is a multi-page file, the user will be prompted to select the pages to append.

PartParameterData TypeDescriptionimagefileImageFileStringThe image file from which page(s) will be inserted (the source image file).ImagePageLongThe page to insert before The page in the source image file from which to start inserting pagespagePageLongThe page to insert before.countCountLongThe number of pages to insertPageLongThe page in the source image file from which to start inserting pages.pagenumberThe page in the source image file from which to start inserting pages.dialogflagDisplayUIFlagFlagTrue — Displays a dialog box that allows the end-user to select a source image fileFalse (Default) — Does not display a dialog boxIf you specify True and the selected file is a multi-page file, the user will be prompted to select the pages to append.

If True, displays a dialog box that allows the end-user to select a source image file.  The default is False.