ScrollDirection Example VB

This example demonstrates how to change the default size of the thumbnail width, height, and scroll direction. It will also scroll right the distance of almost a full control screen.

Private Sub cmdSetProps_Click()
    sRet = InputBox("Enter the desired thumbnail height", "Thumbnail Height", ImgThumbnail1.ThumbHeight)
    If sRet <> "" Then ImgThumbnail1.ThumbHeight = Val(sRet) 
    sRet = InputBox("Enter the desired thumbnail width", "Thumbnail Width",
    If sRet <> "" Then ImgThumbnail1.ThumbWidth = Val(sRet)
    sRet = InputBox("Enter a 0 for horizontal scrolling or" & vbCrLf & 
       "enter a 1 for vertical scrolling.", "Scrollig Direction")
    If sRet <> "" Then
        If Val(sRet) = 0 Then
            ImgThumbnail1.ScrollDirection = Horizontal
            ImgThumbnail1.ScrollDirection = Vertical
        End If
    End If 
    ImgThumbnail1.ScrollThumbs 0, 0
End Sub