ThumbCount Example VB

This example demonstrates how thumbnails might be displayed. If the thumbnail count is less than 5, the first thumbnail is displayed at the top of the control.

If the count is between 5 and 20, the 5th thumbnail is placed in the center row of the control. If the count is greater than 20, the last thumbnail is displayed in the last row of the control.

Private Sub cmdDisplayThumbs_Click()      
    ImgThumbnail1.ScrollDirection = Vertical  'Set vertical scrolling    
    Select Case ImgThumbnail1.ThumbCount
        Case 1 To 4
            ImgThumbnail1.DisplayThumbs 'Default parameters are
                                        'ThumbNumber=1 and Option = 0
        Case 5 To 20
            ImgThumbnail1.DisplayThumbs 5, 1
        Case Is > 20
            ImgThumbnail1.DisplayThumbs ImgThumbnail1.ThumbCount, 2
    End Select    
End Sub