New Method

Description Displays a dialog box that allows the end-user to create a new ImageFile object that contains one blank page.

Note: This method is not available when application is running as an embedded server.

Creating a new ImageFile object causes the new object to become active.   If the active ImageFile object is unsaved, the end-user is prompted to save it before the new object is created.

No image file is associated with the object until you save it.   The file type of the new object is the same as the file type of the active object.

Syntax ImageFileObject.New ([DisplayUIFlag])

Remarks The New method uses this parameter:

Parameter Data Type Description
DisplayUIFlag Flag True — Displays a dialog box that allows the end-user to create a new image file
False (Default) — Does not display a dialog box

Example This example creates a new image object.

'Create the image object
Dim App, Img As Object
Set App = CreateObject(“Imaging.Application”)
Set Img = App.CreateImageViewerObject(1)
'Call the image object New Method