[MSDN Library June 1998] XL97: Unable to Select Defined Names by Using Function Wizard (29.733118657299%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Excel
[MSDN Library June 1998] XL97: 'Help Topic Does Not Exist' Error in Function Wizard (28.9911740558292%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Excel
[MSDN Library June 1998] XL97: Options Not Available in Macro Options Dialog Box (28.16829004329%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Excel
[MSDN Library June 1998] XL97: Visual Basic Help File Is Available for Microsoft Map (27.9756860371267%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Excel
[MSDN Library June 1998] XL97: Error Sending Workbook to Mail Recipient (27.7137445887446%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Excel