[MSDN Library June 1998] PRB: Control Bar Not Visible After Calling Create (88.3333333333333%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library June 1998] PRB: 'Invalid Cursor State' Error After Changing Directory (74.5402298850575%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library June 1998] PRB: Access 7.0 Database Corrupt After Calling RepairDatabase (74.3989071038251%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library June 1998] PRB: Alpha Platform Not Available When Adding Configurations (73.3333333333333%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library June 1998] PRB: OnCtlColor Not Called When Using CTL3D.DLL (73.0272108843537%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Visual C++
[MSDN Library September 1992] PRB: Dialog Box with Edit Control Cannot Be Created (35.6209150326797%)
Knowledge Base and Bug Lists > Windows SDK KBase
[MSDN Library September 1992] PRB: Help Compiler Warning (34.7939175670268%)
Knowledge Base and Bug Lists > Windows SDK KBase
[MSDN Library September 1992] PRB: Search Button Disabled in Windows Help (34.7939175670268%)
Knowledge Base and Bug Lists > Windows SDK KBase
[MSDN Library September 1992] PRB: GDI Functions Do Not Affect Printer Device Context (34.6702317290553%)
Knowledge Base and Bug Lists > Windows SDK KBase
[MSDN Library September 1992] PRB: Dotted Line Displays as Solid Line (34.1136454581833%)
Knowledge Base and Bug Lists > Windows SDK KBase