[MSDN Library June 1998] INFO: Visual Basic and Source Code Control Glyphs (78.0392156862745%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > SourceSafe
[MSDN Library June 1998] INFO: Which Visual C++ Files to Add to Source-Code Control (65.1081812035159%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > SourceSafe
[MSDN Library June 1998] INFO: Visual Basic Directory List (LONG) (64.3237294917967%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Visual Studio
[MSDN Library June 1998] INFO: Visual Interdev/Visual SourceSafe Integration Discussion (63.926312460468%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > SourceSafe
[MSDN Library June 1998] INFO: Sharing SourceSafe Projects (63.7535014005602%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > SourceSafe
[MSDN Library September 1992] INFO (17.0738869710564%)
Product Documentation > Win32 SDK for Windows NT > Programmer's Reference: API (prelim. ) > API Function Reference > Structures