[MSDN Library June 1998] HOWTO: Modify Printer Settings with DocumentProperties() (44.406328320802%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Win32 Software Development Kit
[MSDN Library June 1998] HOWTO: Display CAnimateCtrl with Transparent Background (42.7910685805423%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Win32 Software Development Kit
[MSDN Library June 1998] HOWTO: Print a Document (42.6900584795322%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Win32 Software Development Kit
[MSDN Library June 1998] HOWTO: Cover the Task Bar with a Window (42.1345029239766%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Win32 Software Development Kit
[MSDN Library June 1998] HOWTO: Support Renaming of Items in the Windows Explorer Tree (41.8521714121369%)
MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 > Knowledge Base > Win32 Software Development Kit