MSDN Library - April 2000
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Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic 5
Chapter 1: On Error GoTo Hell
Chapter 2: Patterns of Cooperation in Bytes and Blood
Chapter 3: Empowering Your Users' Reports with Visual Basic 5
Chapter 4: Transferring Information Over the Internet
Chapter 5: Changing Your Approach to Visual Basic Coding
Chapter 6: Migration Issues in Visual Basic 5
Why Convert Your Program to Visual Basic 5?
Reason Not to Convert to Visual Basic 5
Converting Your Program to Visual Basic 5
The Sample Programs
Differing Strategies for Conversion to Visual Basic 5
Move the Entire Project to Visual Basic 5
Move Entire Programs Within the Project to Visual Basic 5
Move Areas of Common Functionality Within Programs to Visual Basic 5
Move Common Functionality to Visual Basic 5 ActiveX/OCX Controls
Insulating Your Projects from Further Change
Moving from Visual C++ to Visual Basic
Chapter 7: Staying in Control
Chapter 8: Minutiae
Chapter 9: How Does the Year 2000 Problem Affect Visual Basic?
Chapter 10: Well, at Least It Compiled OK!
Chapter 11: Multimedia and the User Interface in Business Applications
Chapter 12: So You Want to Add Another User!
Chapter 13: Database Access Options
Chapter 14: Programming on Purpose
Chapter 15: Didn't I Write That Function Last Week?
Chapter 16: How to Juggle 30 Balls Blindfolded
APPENDIX A Coding Conventions
APPENDIX B Changes in the DAO Structure
APPENDIX C Windows 3.11 API Calls
APPENDIX D Microsoft Product Date Limits and Formats
APPENDIX E Is There Madness in Methods?
The Mandelbrot Set (International), Ltd.
Developing International Software for Windows 95 and Windows NT
Hardcore Visual Basic
Hardware Design Guide Version 2.0 for Microsoft Windows NT Server
Inside OLE
Microsoft Jet Database Engine Programmer's Guide
PC 99 System Design Guide
Programming the Windows 95 User Interface
Understanding Thin-Client/Server Computing
The Windows User Experience
Partial Books