MSDN Library - April 2000
Welcome to the MSDN Library
Visual Studio 6.0 Documentation
Visual Studio Documentation
Visual Basic Documentation
Visual C++ Documentation
Visual C++ Start Page
Visual C++ Documentation Map
What's New in Visual C++ 6.0
Getting Started with Visual C++ 6.0
Using Visual C++
Compaq Alpha Documentation
Alpha Programmer's Guide
Windows NT for Alpha Systems Calling Standard 1.11
Alpha Assembler 3.04.00
Introduction and Release Information
Main Instruction Set
Main Instruction Operand Descriptions
Load Instructions
Store Instructions
Arithmetic Instructions
Logical and Shift Instructions
Relational Instructions
Move Instructions
Move (mov)
Move if Equal to Zero (cmoveq)
Move if Not Equal to Zero (cmovne)
Move if Less Than Zero (cmovlt)
Move if Less Than or Equal to Zero (cmovle)
Move if Greater Than Zero (cmovgt)
Move if Greater Than or Equal to Zero (cmovge)
Move if Low Bit Clear (cmovlbc)
Move if Low Bit Set (cmovlbs)
Control Instructions
Byte-Manipulation Instructions
Extract Instructions
Insert Instructions
Mask Instructions
Zero-Byte Instructions
Special-Purpose Instructions
Floating-Point Instruction Operand Descriptions
Assembler Directives
Visual FoxPro Documentation
Visual InterDev Documentation
Visual J++ Documentation
Visual SourceSafe Documentation
Office Developer Documentation
Windows CE Documentation
Platform SDK
SDK Documentation
DDK Documentation
Windows Resource Kits
Knowledge Base
Technical Articles
Partial Books