Platform SDK: Access Control


The OBJECT_TYPE_LIST structure identifies an object type element in a hierarchy of object types. The AccessCheckByType functions use an array of OBJECT_TYPE_LIST structures to define a hierarchy of an object and its subobjects, such as property sets and properties.

typedef struct _OBJECT_TYPE_LIST {
  WORD   Level;
  WORD   Sbz;
  GUID *ObjectType;


Specifies the level of the object type in the hierarchy of an object and its subobjects. Level zero indicates the object itself. Level 1 indicates a subobject of the object, such as a property set. Level 2 indicates a subobject of the level 1 subobject, such as a property. There can be a maximum of 5 levels numbered 0 through 4.

Directory service objects use the following level values.
Value Description
ACCESS_OBJECT_GUID Indicates the object itself at level zero.
ACCESS_PROPERTY_SET_GUID Indicates a property set at level 1.
ACCESS_PROPERTY_GUID Indicates a property at level 2.

Should be zero. Reserved for future use.
Pointer to the GUID for the object or subobject.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Winnt.h; include Windows.h.

See Also

Client/Server Access Control Overview, Client/Server Access Control Structures, AccessCheckByType, AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm, AccessCheckByTypeResultList, AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm