Platform SDK: Access Control

Directory Services Access Rights

Each Active Directory object has a security descriptor assigned to it. A set of trustee rights specific to directory service objects can be set within these security descriptors. These rights are listed in the following table.

Constant Meaning
ACTRL_DS_OPEN Open a DS object.
ACTRL_DS_CREATE_CHILD Create a child DS object.
ACTRL_DS_DELETE_CHILD Delete a child DS object.
ACTRL_DS_LIST Enumerate a DS object.
ACTRL_DS_READ_PROP Read the properties of a DS object.
ACTRL_DS_WRITE_PROP Write properties for a DS object.
ACTRL_DS_SELF Write properties for a DS object, with the DS validating the write.
ACTRL_DS_DELETE_TREE Delete a tree of DS objects.
ACTRL_DS_LIST_OBJECT List a tree of DS objects.
ACTRL_DS_CONTROL_ACCESS Control access to a DS object.