Platform SDK: Access Control


The AddAuditAccessAceEx function adds a system-audit ACE to the end of a SACL.

BOOL AddAuditAccessAceEx(
  PACL pAcl,            // ACL
  DWORD dwAceRevision,  // ACL revision level
  DWORD AceFlags,       // ACE inheritance and audit type
  DWORD dwAccessMask,   // access mask for new ACE
  PSID pSid,            // SID of trustee for new ACE
  BOOL bAuditSuccess,   // audit successful access
  BOOL bAuditFailure    // audit unsuccessful access


[in/out] Pointer to a SACL. The AddAuditAccessAceEx function adds a system-audit ACE to this SACL. The ACE is in the form of a SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE structure.
[in] Specifies the revision level of the SACL being modified. This value can be ACL_REVISION or ACL_REVISION_DS. Use ACL_REVISION_DS if the SACL contains object-specific ACEs.
[in] A set of bit flags that control ACE inheritance and the type of access attempts to audit. The function sets these flags in the AceFlags member of the ACE_HEADER structure of the new ACE. This parameter can be a combination of the following values.
Value Meaning
CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE The ACE is inherited by container objects.
FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG If you set this flag or specify TRUE for the bAuditFailure parameter, failed attempts to use the specified access rights cause the system to generate an audit record in the security event log.
INHERIT_ONLY_ACE The ACE does not apply to the object to which the ACL is assigned, but it can be inherited by child objects.
INHERITED_ACE Indicates an inherited ACE. This flag allows operations that change the security on a tree of objects to modify inherited ACEs, while not changing ACEs that were directly applied to the object.
OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE The ACE is inherited by noncontainer objects.
SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG If you set this flag or specify TRUE for the bAuditSuccess parameter, successful uses of the specified access rights cause the system to generate an audit record in the security event log.

[in] A set of bit flags that use the ACCESS_MASK format to specify the access rights that the new ACE audits for the specified SID.
[in] Pointer to a SID structure that identifies the user, group, or logon session for which the new ACE audits access.
[in] Specifies whether successful uses of the specified access rights cause the system to generate an audit record in the security event log. If this flag is TRUE or if the AceFlags parameter specifies the SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG flag, the system records successful access attempts; otherwise, it does not.
[in] Specifies whether failed attempts to use the specified access rights cause the system to generate an audit record in the security event log. If this flag is TRUE or if the AceFlags parameter specifies the FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG flag, the system records failed access attempts; otherwise, it does not.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. The following are possible error values.

Error value Description
ERROR_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED The new ACE does not fit into the ACL. A larger ACL buffer is required.
ERROR_INVALID_ACL The specified ACL is not properly formed.
ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS The AceFlags parameter is invalid.
ERROR_INVALID_SID The specified SID is not structurally valid.
ERROR_REVISION_MISMATCH The specified revision is not known or is incompatible with that of the ACL.
ERROR_SUCCESS The ACE was successfully added.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.
  Library: Use Advapi32.lib.

See Also

Low-Level Access-Control Overview, Low-Level Access Control Functions, ACE_HEADER, ACL, AddAccessAllowedAceEx, AddAccessDeniedAceEx, SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE