DateCreated and DateModified Properties Example (VB)

See Also

This example demonstrates the DateCreated and DateModified properties by adding a new Column to an existing Table and by creating a new Table. The DateOutput procedure is required for this example to run.

Sub DateCreatedX()
    Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
    Dim tblEmployees As ADOX.Table
    Dim tblNewTable As ADOX.Table

    ' Connect the catalog.
    cat.ActiveConnection = _ 
        "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
        "Data Source=c:\Program Files\" & _
        "Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb;"
    With cat
        Set tblEmployees = .Tables("Employees")
        ' Print current information about the Employees table.
        DateOutput "Current properties", tblEmployees
        ' Create and append column to the Employees table.
        tblEmployees.Columns.Append "NewColumn", adInteger
        ' Print new information about the Employees table.
        DateOutput "After creating a new column", tblEmployees
        ' Delete new column because this is a demonstration.
        tblEmployees.Columns.Delete "NewColumn"
        ' Create and append new Table object to the Northwind database.
        Set tblNewTable = New ADOX.Table
        tblNewTable.Name = "NewTable"
        tblNewTable.Columns.Append "NewColumn", adInteger
        .Tables.Append tblNewTable
        ' Print information about the new Table object.
        DateOutput "After creating a new table", .Tables("NewTable")
        ' Delete new Table object because this is a demonstration.
        .Tables.Delete tblNewTable.Name
    End With

End Sub

Sub DateOutput(strTemp As String, tblTemp As ADOX.Table)
    ' Print DateCreated and DateModified information about
    ' specified Table object.
    Debug.Print strTemp
    Debug.Print "    Table: " & tblTemp.Name
    Debug.Print "        DateCreated = " & tblTemp.DateCreated
    Debug.Print "        DateModified = " & tblTemp.DateModified
End Sub