Specifies the available permissions for modifying data in a Connection, opening a Record, or specifying values for the Mode property of the Record and Stream objects.
Constant | Value | Description |
adModeRead | 1 | Indicates read-only permissions. |
adModeReadWrite | 3 | Indicates read/write permissions. |
adModeRecursive | 0x400000 | Used in conjunction with the other *ShareDeny* values (adModeShareDenyNone, adModeShareDenyWrite, or adModeShareDenyRead) to propagate sharing restrictions to all sub-records of the current Record. It has no affect if the Record does not have any children. A run-time error is generated if it is used with adModeShareDenyNone only. However, it can be used with adModeShareDenyNone when combined with other values. For example, you can use "adModeRead Or adModeShareDenyNone Or adModeRecursive". |
adModeShareDenyNone | 16 | Allows others to open a connection with any permissions. Neither read nor write access can be denied to others. |
adModeShareDenyRead | 4 | Prevents others from opening a connection with read permissions. |
adModeShareDenyWrite | 8 | Prevents others from opening a connection with write permissions. |
adModeShareExclusive | 12 | Prevents others from opening a connection. |
adModeUnknown | 0 | Default. Indicates that the permissions have not yet been set or cannot be determined. |
adModeWrite | 2 | Indicates write-only permissions. |
ADO/WFC Equivalent
Package: com.ms.wfc.data
Constant |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.READ |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.READWRITE |
(There is no equivalent of AdoEnums.ConnectMode.RECURSIVE) |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.SHAREDENYNONE |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.SHAREDENYREAD |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.SHAREDENYWRITE |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.SHAREEXCLUSIVE |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.UNKNOWN |
AdoEnums.ConnectMode.WRITE |