System Requirements for the Address Book Application
See Also
To set up the Address Book sample application, you need to meet the following software and database requirements.
Software Requirements
The server computer software requirements for running this Web application include:
- Microsoft Windows NT® Server 4.0, with Service Pack 3 or later, or Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server.
- Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) version 3.0 or later, with Active Server Pages.
The client computer software requirements for running this Web application include:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server, Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows 98.
Database Requirements
To use this sample, you must have:
- An operational Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 or later database server.
- Privileges to create the database and populate it with the sample data.
- Verification of the populated data through Enterprise Manager or the ISQL utilities (called Query Analyzer in SQL Server 7.0).
If you don't have privileges, your database administrator may need to set up the system and give you access permission to the database, or set up the database for you.
Next Running the Address Book SQL Script