Registering Business Objects on the Client for Use with DCOM

Custom business objects need to ensure that the client side can map their program name (ProgId) to an identifier (CLSID) that can be used over DCOM. For this reason, the ProgID of the DCOM object must be in the client-side registry and map to the class ID of the server-side business object. For the other supported protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, and in-process), this isn't necessary.

For example, if you expose a server-side business object called MyBObj with a specific class ID, for instance, "{00112233-4455-6677-8899-00AABBCCDDEE}", you should make sure the following entries are added to the client-side registry:

    (Default) "{00112233-4455-6677-8899-00AABBCCDDEE}"