ADO Property Summary
Property | Description |
AbsolutePage | Indicates on which page the current record resides. |
AbsolutePosition | Indicates the ordinal position of a Recordset object's current record. |
ActiveCommand | Indicates the Command object that created the associated Recordset object. |
ActiveConnection | Indicates to which Connection object the specified Command, Recordset, or Record object currently belongs. |
ActualSize | Indicates the actual length of a field's value. |
Attributes | Indicates one or more characteristics of an object. |
BOF and EOF | BOF — indicates that the current record position is before the first record in a Recordset object. EOF — indicates that the current record position is after the last record in a Recordset object. |
Bookmark | Indicates a bookmark that uniquely identifies the current record in a Recordset object or sets the current record in a Recordset object to the record identified by a valid bookmark. |
CacheSize | Indicates the number of records from a Recordset object that are cached locally in memory. |
CharSet | Indicates the character set into which the contents of a text Stream should be translated. |
CommandText | Indicates the text of a command to be issued against a provider. |
CommandTimeout | Indicates how long to wait while executing a command before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
CommandType | Indicates the type of a Command object. |
Connect (RDS) | Indicates the database name from which the query and update operations are run. |
ConnectionString Property | Indicates the information used to establish a connection to a data source. |
ConnectionTimeout | Indicates how long to wait while establishing a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
Count | Indicates the number of objects in a collection. |
CursorLocation | Indicates the location of the cursor service. |
CursorType | Indicates the type of cursor used in a Recordset object. |
DataMember | Indicates the name of the data member that will be retrieved from the object referenced by the DataSource property. |
DataSource | Indicates an object that contains data to be represented as a Recordset object. |
DefaultDatabase | Indicates the default database for a Connection object. |
DefinedSize | Indicates the data capacity of a Field object. |
Description | Describes an Error object. |
Direction | Indicates whether the Parameter represents an input parameter, an output parameter, or both, or if the parameter is the return value from a stored procedure. |
EditMode | Indicates the editing status of the current record. |
EOS | Indicates whether the current position is at the end of the stream. |
ExecuteOptions (RDS) | Indicates whether asynchronous execution is enabled. |
FetchOptions (RDS) | Indicates the type of asynchronous fetching. |
Filter | Indicates a filter for data in a Recordset. |
FilterColumn (RDS) | Indicates the column on which to evaluate the filter criteria. |
FilterCriterion (RDS) | Indicates the evaluation operator to use in the filter value. |
FilterValue (RDS) | Indicates the value to filter records. |
Handler (RDS) | Indicates the name of a server-side customization program (handler) that extends the functionality of the RDSServer.DataFactory, and any parameters used by the handler. |
HelpContext and HelpFile | Indicates the help file and topic associated with an Error object.
HelpContextID — returns a context ID, as a Long value, for a topic in a Help file. |
Index | Indicates the name of the index currently in effect for a Recordset object. |
InternetTimeout (RDS) | Indicates the number of milliseconds to wait before a request times out. |
IsolationLevel | Indicates the level of isolation for a Connection object. |
Item | Indicates a specific member of a collection, by name or ordinal number. |
LineSeparator | Indicates the binary character to be used as the line separator in text Stream objects. |
LockType | Indicates the type of locks placed on records during editing. |
MarshalOptions | Indicates which records are to be marshaled back to the server. |
MaxRecords | Indicates the maximum number of records to return to a Recordset from a query. |
Mode | Indicates the available permissions for modifying data in a Connection, Record, or Stream object. |
Name | Indicates the name of an object. |
NativeError | Indicates the provider-specific error code for a given Error object. |
Number | Indicates the number that uniquely identifies an Error object. |
NumericScale | Indicates the scale of numeric values in a Parameter or Field object. |
OriginalValue | Indicates the value of a Field that existed in the record before any changes were made. |
PageCount | Indicates how many pages of data the Recordset object contains. |
PageSize | Indicates how many records constitute one page in the Recordset. |
ParentURL | Indicates an absolute URL string that points to the parent Record of the current Record object. |
Position | Indicates the current position within a Stream object. |
Precision | Indicates the degree of precision for numeric values in a Parameter object or for numeric Field objects. |
Prepared | Indicates whether to save a compiled version of a command before execution. |
Provider | Indicates the name of the provider for a Connection object. |
ReadyState (RDS) | Indicates the progress of a DataControl object as it fetches data into its Recordset object. |
RecordCount | Indicates the number of records in a Recordset object. |
Recordset and SourceRecordset (RDS) | Indicates the Recordset object returned from a custom business object. |
RecordType | Indicates the type of Record object. |
Server (RDS) | Indicates the Internet Information Services (IIS) name and communication protocol. |
Size | Indicates the maximum size, in bytes or characters, of a Parameter object. |
Size (ADO Stream) | Indicates the total size of the stream in number of bytes. |
Sort | Indicates one or more field names on which the Recordset is sorted, and whether each field is sorted in ascending or descending order. |
SortColumn (RDS) | Indicates by which column to sort the records. |
SortDirection (RDS) | Indicates whether a sort order is ascending or descending. |
Source (ADO Error) | Indicates the name of the object or application that originally generated an error. |
Source (ADO Record) | Indicates the entity represented by the Record object. |
Source (ADO Recordset) | Indicates the source for the data in a Recordset object |
SQL (RDS) | Indicates the query string used to retrieve the Recordset. |
SQLState | Indicates the SQL state for a given Error object. |
State | Indicates for all applicable objects whether the state of the object is open or closed. Indicates for all applicable objects executing an asynchronous method, whether the current state of the object is connecting, executing, or retrieving |
Status (ADO Field) | Indicates the status of a Field object. |
Status (ADO Recordset) | Indicates the status of the current record with respect to batch updates or other bulk operations. |
StayInSync | Indicates, in a hierarchical Recordset object, whether the reference to the underlying child records (that is, the chapter) changes when the parent row position changes. |
Type | Indicates the operational type or data type of a Parameter, Field, or Property object. |
Type (ADO Stream) | Indicates the type of data contained in the Stream (binary or text). |
UnderlyingValue | Indicates a Field object's current value in the database. |
URL (RDS) | Indicates a string that contains a relative or absolute URL. |
Value | Indicates the value assigned to a Field, Parameter, or Property object. |
Version | Indicates the ADO version number. |