This example demonstrates the CompareBookmarks method. The relative value of bookmarks is seldom needed unless a particular bookmark is somehow special.
Designate a random row of a Recordset derived from the Authors table as the target of a search. Then display the position of each row relative to that target.
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
Public Sub CompareBookmarksX()
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim count As Integer
Dim target As Variant
Dim result As Long
Dim strAns As String
Dim strTitle As String
strTitle = "CompareBookmarks Example"
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT * FROM Authors", _
"DSN=Pubs;Provider=MSDASQL; uid=sa;pwd=;", _
adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
count = rst.RecordCount
Debug.Print "Rows in the Recordset = "; count
If count = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Exit if an empty recordset
count = (Int(count * Rnd)) 'Get position between 0 and count-1
Debug.Print "Randomly chosen row position = "; count
rst.Move count, adBookmarkFirst 'Move row to random position
target = rst.Bookmark 'Remember the mystery row.
count = 0
Do While Not rst.EOF 'Loop through recordset
result = rst.CompareBookmarks(rst.Bookmark, target)
If result = adCompareNotEqual Then
Debug.Print "Row "; count; ": Bookmarks are not equal."
ElseIf result = adCompareNotComparable Then
Debug.Print "Row "; count; ": Bookmarks are not comparable."
Select Case result
Case adCompareLessThan
strAns = "less than"
Case adCompareEqual
strAns = "equal to"
Case adCompareGreaterThan
strAns = "greater than"
Case Else
strAns = "in error comparing to"
End Select
Debug.Print "Row position " & count & " is " & strAns & _
" the target."
End If
count = count + 1
End Sub