CreateRecordset Method Example (VBScript)

See Also

This code example creates a Recordset on the server side. It has two columns with four rows each.

Sub CreateARecordSet
   Dim ColInfo(1), c0(3), c1(3)

   c0(0) = "Name"         ' Column name. 
   c0(1) = CInt(129)      ' Column type (129 = adChar).
   c0(2) = CInt(40)      ' Column size.
   c0(3) = False         ' Is the column nullable?

   c1(0) = "Age"         ' Column name. 
   c1(1) = CInt(3)      ' Column type (3 = adInteger).
   c1(2) = CInt(-1)      ' Column size.
   c1(3) = True         ' Is the column nullable?

   ' Add the columns to the recordset definition.
   ColInfo(0) = c0
   ColInfo(1) = c1

   ADC1.SourceRecordset = ADF1.CreateRecordset(ColInfo)
End Sub