Working with ADOCE

Microsoft® Active® Data Objects for Windows CE, version 2.12 enables you to programmatically create and modify databases on devices running the Microsoft® Windows® CE operating system, and provides a file filter that allows you to transfer databases from the desktop computer to a Windows CE–based device. The file filter is a conversion utility that enables you to import Microsoft® Access database tables from a desktop computer to a Windows CE–based device and export Active Data Objects for Windows CE (ADOCE) databases to Microsoft Access databases on a desktop computer.

When installed, ADOCE adds the following commands to the Microsoft® ActiveSync 3.0 Tools menu. The following commands provide manual control over the Windows CE file filter

When importing or exporting databases, you can specify an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source instead of a Microsoft Access file. ADOCE supports Access and Microsoft® SQL Server ODBC sources.

For information about details of the conversion process, see Data Conversion.

For information about programming applications with the ADOCE control, see Programming with ADOCE.

For information about using Structured Query Language (SQL) with the ADOCE control, see SQL and ADOCE.

For information about controlling the conversion process programmatically, see Programming Interface.