Conversion Log and Error Notification

Errors can occur when data is converted between the desktop computer and a device. There are two types or errors that can occur: a fatal error and an informational error. A fatal error occurs when the application cannot continue to copy data to the device. This happens when the device is out of memory or the communications link is broken. Users can correct some fatal errors. An informational error occurs when data can continue to be copied to the device, but the structure may be altered. Truncated text fields, truncated table names, or failed index creations are informational errors. When an informational error occurs, the error is displayed in a dialog box and is recorded in the error log.

When a data conversion error of either type occurs, a log file named Db2ce.txt is created in the device partner directory on the desktop computer, the location of which is obtained from the registry. The purpose of the log is to give users information about the transfer process. The log file contains general status messages and all informational and fatal error messages. If the log file already exists from a previous conversion, it is overwritten. If an existing log file cannot be overwritten, a new file is created with a number, 1 through 9, appended to the name.

If a fatal error occurs, an error message is displayed in the final dialog box, and the log file is opened in the default text editor. ADOCE does not attempt to restore the corrupt database on the device. If an informational error occurs, the error text is placed in the log with any ODBC driver error information, even if a subset is presented to the user on the screen. Statistics and closing information are placed in the log after the error. The following table shows the information that is contained in an error log.

Section Description
Startup statistics Shows the user name, the conversion start time, and the user options selected for the conversion.
Desktop computer database Shows which .mdb file is being copied and where it is located. For ODBC data sources, it shows the connection string.
Options chosen Shows the sync or overwrite options chosen. Displays 1 for True, 0 for False.
Index statistics Shows information about converted indexes.
Table statistics Shows the SQL statement that is used to create the table in a form that can be copied and pasted. Shows the number of records copied.
Closing statistics Shows the time the conversion completed, and the number of tables, records, packets, and bytes copied.