Recordset Object

A recordset is a virtual database table whose fields and rows correspond to a subset of the fields and rows in an actual database table on the Windows CE device.

Use the CreateObject function to create a new Recordset object.

The following table shows the methods the Recordset object supports.

Method Description
AddNew Inserts a new row into the recordset.
CancelUpdate Cancels changes held in memory.
Clone Duplicates a recordset.
Close Closes a recordset.
Delete Deletes a row from the recordset.
GetRows Returns data stored in the recordset.
Move Moves the position of the current record in the recordset.
MoveFirst Makes the first row active.
MoveLast Makes the last row active.
MoveNext Moves the active row pointer to the next row.
MovePrevious Moves the active row pointer to the previous row.
Open Defines and opens recordsets; runs SQL commands.
Supports Determines if the recordset supports certain features.
Update Commits changes held in the recordset to the database on the device.

The following table shows the properties that the Recordset object supports.

Property Description
AbsolutePage Specifies which page to move for a new current record.
AbsolutePosition Specifies the ordinal position of the current record of a recordset.
ActiveConnection Sets the current database connection.
BOF Indicates whether the current record position is before the first record in a recordset.
Bookmark Specifies a bookmark that uniquely identifies a record in a recordset.
CacheSize Specifies the number of records from a recordset that are cached locally in memory.
CursorType Indicates the type of cursor used in a recordset.
EditMode Indicates the editing status of the current record.
EOF Indicates that the current record position is after the last record in a recordset.
LockType Indicates the type of locks placed on records during editing.
PageCount Indicates how many pages of data a recordset contains.
PageSize Indicates how many records constitute one page in a recordset.
RecordCount Returns a Long value that indicates the current number of records in a recordset.
Source Indicates the source for the data in a recordset—SQL statement or table name.


Use CreateObject to create a new Recordset object.


The following code example shows how to instantiate a Recordset object.

Dim rstCustomers, fldName
Set rstCustomers = CreateObject("adoce.recordset")
rstCustomers.Open "customers"
Set fldName = rstCustomers.Fields("Name")
MsgBox fldName.Value
Set fldName = Nothing
Set rstCustomers = Nothing