Filtering Errors

Filtering errors occur when a database is being transferred between a desktop computer and Windows CE–based device. The error value is contained and returned in the variable HRESULT. An HRESULT of zero indicates that the database filtering was successful. Any other value other then zero indicates that the filtering operation was not successful.

The following table shows common HRESULT values.

HRESULT Name Description Value
S_OK Operation successful 0x00000000
E_UNEXPECTED Unexpected failure 0x8000FFFF
E_NOTIMPL Not implemented 0x80004001
E_OUTOFMEMORY Failed to allocate necessary memory 0x8007000E
E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid 0x80070057
E_NOINTERFACE No such interface supported 0x80004002
E_POINTER Invalid pointer 0x80004003
E_HANDLE Invalid handle 0x80070006
E_ABORT Operation aborted 0x80004004
E_FAIL Unspecified failure 0x80004005
E_ACCESSDENIED General access denied error 0x80070005

Note   Additional definitions of HRESULT values can be found in the Winerror.h file provided in the platform SDK.