Add G_floating (addg)


addg $s_reg1, $s_reg2, $d_reg

addg $d_reg/$s_reg1, $s_reg2


Add G_floating adds the contents of $s_reg1 or $d_reg to the contents of $s_reg2 and places the result in $d_reg. When the sum of two operands is exactly 0, the sum has a positive sign for all rounding modes except round toward minus infinity (–¥). For that rounding mode, the sum has a negative sign.


The following table describes the qualifiers for the addg instructions:

Instruction Qualifier description
no qualifier VAX Rounding Mode: Normal rounding
  VAX Trap Mode: Imprecise, underflow disabled
addgc VAX Rounding Mode: Chopped
addgu VAX Trap Mode: Imprecise, underflow enabled
addguc Combined meanings of addgc and addgu
addgs VAX Trap Mode: Software, underflow disabled
addgsc Combined meanings of addgs and addgc
addgsu VAX Trap Mode: Software, underflow enabled
addgsuc Combined meanings of addgs and addguc