Compare Byte Instruction (cmpbge)


cmpbge $s_reg1, $s_reg2, d_reg

cmpbge $d_reg/$s_reg1, $s_reg2

cmpbge $s_reg1, val_immed, $d_reg

cmpbge $d_reg/$s_reg1, val_immed


Compare Byte performs eight parallel unsigned byte comparisons between corresponding bytes of register $s_reg1 and $s_reg2 or the immediate value. A bit is set in the destination register if a byte in $s_reg1 is greater than or equal to the corresponding byte in $s_reg2 or the immediate value.

The results of the comparisons are stored in the eight low-order bits of the destination register; bit 0 of the destination register corresponds to byte 0 and so forth. The 56 high-order bits of the destination register are cleared.