Compare T_floating Less Than or Equal (cmptle)


cmptle $s_reg1, $s_reg2, $d_reg

cmptle $d_reg/$s_reg1, $s_reg2


Compare T_floating Less Than or Equal compares the contents of $s_reg1 or $d_reg with the contents of $s_reg2. If $s_reg1 is less than or equal to $s_reg2, a nonzero value is written to the destination register; otherwise, a true 0 value is written to the destination. Exceptions are not signaled for unordered values.


The following table describes the qualifiers for the cmptle instruction:

Instruction Qualifier description
no qualifier IEEE Rounding Mode: Normal rounding
  IEEE Trap Mode: Imprecise, integer overflow disabled, inexact disabled
cmptlesu IEEE Trap Mode: Software, underflow enabled, inexact disabled