Convert T_floating to Quadword (cvttq)


cvttq $s_reg, $d_reg

cvttq $d_reg/$s_reg


Convert T_floating to Quadword converts the T_floating contents of $s_reg to the quadword integer format and places the result in $d_reg. If an integer overflow occurs, the truncated result is stored in $d_reg and, if enabled, an arithmetic trap occurs.


The following table describes the qualifiers for the cvttq instructions:

Instruction Qualifier description
no qualifier IEEE Rounding Mode: Normal rounding
  IEEE Trap Mode: Imprecise, integer overflow disabled, inexact disabled
cvttqc IEEE Rounding Mode: Chopped
cvttqv IEEE Convert-to-Integer Trap Mode: Imprecise, integer overflow enabled, inexact disabled
cvttqvc Combined meanings of cvtgqv and cvtgqc
cvttqsv IEEE Convert-to-Integer Trap Mode: Software, integer overflow enabled, inexact disabled
cvttqsvc Combined meanings of cvttqs, cvtgqv, and cvttqc
cvttqsvi IEEE Convert-to-Integer Trap Mode: Software, integer overflow enabled, inexact enabled
cvttqsvic Combined meanings of cvttqsvi and cvttqc
cvttqd IEEE Rounding Mode: Plus infinity (ensure that the dyn field of the FPCR is 11)
cvttqvd Combined meanings of cvttqv and cvttqd
cvttqsvd Combined meanings of cvttqsv and cvttqd
cvttqsvid Combined meanings of cvttqsvi and cvttqd