Floating-Point Control Register

The floating-point control register (FPCR) contains status and control information. It controls the arithmetic rounding mode of instructions that specify dynamic rounding (d qualifier) and gives a summary for each exception type of the exception conditions detected by the floating-point instructions. It also contains an overall summary bit indicating whether an exception occurred.

The format of the floating-point control register is as follows:

The fields of the floating-point control register have the following definitions:

Bits Name Description
63 sum Summary: records the bitwise OR of the FPCR exception bits (bits 57 to 52).
62-60 raz/ign Read-As-Zero: ignored when written.
59-58 dyn Dynamic Rounding Mode: indicates the current rounding mode to be used by an IEEE floating-point instruction that specifies dynamic mode ( d qualifier). The bit as follows:

00 Chopped rounding mode.

01 Minus infinity.

10 Normal rounding.

11 Plus infinity.

57 iov Integer overflow.
56 ine Inexact result.
55 unf Underflow.
54 ovf Overflow.
53 dze Division by zero.
52 inv Invalid operation.
51-0 raz/ign Read-As-Zero: ignored when written.