Return from Subroutine (ret)


ret $d_reg, ($s_reg), rhint

ret $d_reg, ($s_reg)

ret $d_reg, rhint

ret $d_reg

ret ($s_reg), rhint

ret rhint



Return from Subroutine unconditionally returns from a subroutine. If a destination register is specified, the address of the instruction following the ret instruction is stored in the specified register. The source register contains the return address. If the source register is not specified, register $ra ($26) is used. If a hint is not specified, a hint value of 1 is used.

All jump instructions (jmp, jsr, ret, jsr_coroutine) perform identical operations. They differ only in hints to possible branch-prediction logic.

See Also

For information about branch prediction logic, see the Alpha Architecture Reference Manual.