Subtract S_floating (subs)


subs $s_reg1, $s_reg2, $d_reg

subs $d_reg/$s_reg1, $s_reg2


Subtract S_floating subtracts the contents of $s_reg2 from the contents of $s_reg1 or $d_reg and places the result into $d_reg. When the difference of the two operands is exactly 0, the difference has a positive sign for all rounding modes except round toward minus infinity (-¥). For that rounding mode, the difference has a negative sign.


The following table describes the qualifiers for the subs instructions:

Instruction Qualifier description
no qualifier IEEE Rounding Mode: Normal rounding
  IEEE Trap Mode: Imprecise, integer overflow disabled, inexact disabled
subsc IEEE Rounding Mode: Chopped
subsm IEEE Rounding Mode: Minus infinity
subsd IEEE Rounding Mode: Plus infinity (ensure that the dyn field of the FPCR is 11)
subsu IEEE Trap Mode: Imprecise, underflow enabled, inexact disabled
subsuc IEEE Trap Mode: Underflow enabled
  IEEE Rounding Mode: Chopped
subsum Combined meanings of subsu and subsm
subsud Combined meanings of subsu and subsd
subssu IEEE Trap Mode: Software, underflow enabled, inexact disabled
subssuc Combined meanings of subss, subsu, and subsc
subssum Combined meanings of subss, subsu, and subsm
subssud Combined meanings of subss, subsu, and subsd
subssui IEEE Trap Mode: Software, underflow enabled, inexact enabled
subssuic Combined meanings of subssui and subsc
subssuim Combined meanings of subssui and subsm