subt $s_reg1, $s_reg2, $d_reg
subt $d_reg/$s_reg1, $s_reg2
Subtract T_floating subtracts the contents of $s_reg2 from the contents of $s_reg1 or $d_reg and places the result into $d_reg. When the difference of the two operands is exactly 0, the difference has a positive sign for all rounding modes except round toward minus infinity (-¥). For that rounding mode, the difference has a negative sign.
The following table describes the qualifiers for the subt instructions:
Instruction | Qualifier description |
no qualifier | IEEE Rounding Mode: Normal rounding |
IEEE Trap Mode: Imprecise, integer overflow disabled, inexact disabled | |
subtc | IEEE Rounding Mode: Chopped |
subtm | IEEE Rounding Mode: Minus infinity |
subtd | IEEE Rounding Mode: Plus infinity (ensure that the dyn field of the FPCR is 11) |
subtu | IEEE Trap Mode: Imprecise, underflow enabled, inexact disabled |
subtuc | IEEE Trap Mode: Underflow enabled |
IEEE Rounding Mode: Chopped | |
subtum | Combined meanings of subtu and subtm |
subtud | Combined meanings of subtu and subtd |
subtsu | IEEE Trap Mode: Software, underflow enabled, inexact disabled |
subtsuc | Combined meanings of subts, subtu, and subtc |
subtsum | Combined meanings of subts, subtu, and subtm |
subtsud | Combined meanings of subts, subtu, and subtd |
subtsui | IEEE Trap Mode: Software, underflow enabled, inexact enabled |
subtsuic | Combined meanings of subtsui and subtc |
Subtsuim | Combined meanings of subtsui and subtm |