Typographic Conventions

This assembler Help file uses the following typographic conventions:

Convention Description
literals When used alone, bold text indicates a heading. In the context of a command line, bold text indicates text that should be typed exactly as shown.
variables Italic text indicates text you must type, substituting actual values for the placeholder names supplied.
Monospace Monospaced text indicates example code.
CAPS Capital letters indicate a drive or path.
$ The dollar sign ($) is the first character in a register name.
[[text in double square brackets]] Text in double square brackets is optional.
text in curly braces with a vertical bar

e.g., {a|A}

Text in curly braces separated by a vertical bar is required. You must choose a value from one or the other side of the vertical bar.

As applicable, the following types of information are provided for each instruction or assembly directive listed:

Section Description
Syntax This section shows the mnemonic and operands for each instruction or assembly directive. If an instruction accepts more than one string of operands, the Syntax section contains a separate line for each operand string. For example:

divf $s_reg1, $s_reg2, $d_reg

divf $d_reg/$s_reg1, $s_reg2

Description This section describes the function of the instruction or assembly directive, what it does with the given operands, and any side effects.

The instruction descriptions also include one of the following hotspots, whichever is appropriate, to provide quick access to operand descriptions:

  Main Instruction Operand Descriptions
Floating-Point Instruction Operand Descriptions
Qualifiers This section appears only in floating-point instruction descriptions. Many floating-point instructions accept one or more appended letters that specify particular rounding and trapping modes. See Divide F_floating (divf) for an example of a Qualifiers section.

See Also

Floating-Point Instruction Qualifiers for descriptions of the rounding and trapping mode qualifiers.