ActiveX Designer Samples

The ActiveX Designer Software Development Kit (SDK) includes several sample designers, as well as Visual Basic samples with which to use them. The following table lists the ActiveX designer source code samples:

 Sample Description
CircleDesigner Design-time and run-time object of the Circles Designer, a simple container that uses Visual Basic selection services and IProvideDynamicClassInfo to provide run-time access to its subobjects.
DifferentDesigner Demonstrates a design-time object whose run-time instance is a different object.
DifferentInstance Run-time object of the DifferentDesigner design-time object.
InvisibleDesigner Demonstrates a design-time object whose run-time instance is a different object that does not have a visible user interface.
InvisibleInstance Run-time object of the InvisibleDesigner design-time object.
ShapesDsgn Design-time object of the Shapes designer. The Shapes designer demonstrates all the new design-time features in this release of the ActiveX Designer SDK.
ShapesInst Run-time object of the Shapes designer, a public object that does not present a visible user interface at run time.
ShapesDynDsgn Design-time object of the Shapes Dynamic designer, which implements the same features as ShapesDsgn using dynamic type information instead of collections.
ShapesDynInst Run-time object of the Shapes Dynamic designer, a public object that does not present a visible user interface at run time.
Visual Basic Samples Visual Basic samples with which to use ActiveX Designer samples.