Building the ActiveX Designer Wizard

The ActiveX Designer Wizard generates ActiveX Designers. Although it is a DLL, it has the special file extension .awx. To employ the wizard, you should be familiar with the basics of ActiveX designers, as described in the ActiveX Designer Programmer's Reference.

Click to open or copy the ActiveX Designer Wizard project files.

When you build Axd98wiz.awx, it is automatically copied to your Axd98Wiz\Template directory. The ActiveX Designer Wizard then appears as a choice in the Project Type drop-down list in the New Workspace and Insert Project dialog boxes.

To run The ActiveX Designer custom AppWizard, simply create a new workspace (or insert a project into the current workspace), and select your custom AppWizard from the Project Type drop-list.

To build the ActiveX Designer Wizard from Visual C++

  1. In the Framework\Axd98Wiz directory, double-click Axd98wiz.dsp.

  2. On the Build menu, click Build Axd98wiz.awx. The wizard installs the files required for use by the Visual C++ development environment.

To run the ActiveX Designer Wizard from Visual C++

  1. Create a new workspace, or insert a project into the current workspace.

  2. On the File menu, click New, and then select ActiveX Designer Wizard from the Projects dialog box.

    The wizard steps you through a sequence of designer features, requesting your settings for each. When you've completed the sequence, the wizard creates a skeleton designer that includes the features you specified.

See Also

Overview of ActiveX Designer Framework