Building the Samples

You can build the samples individually or all at once, with a batch file. Procedures for building all the samples on each Microsoft operating system are listed below. See the description of each individual sample for information on building only that sample.

To build all the samples on Windows NT

  1. On the Environment tab of the MyComputer properties sheet, define DSR_ATL to the Samples subdirectory of the directory in which you installed the ActiveX designer SDK. For example:

  1. On the command line, set your directory to Samples and run Buildall.bat to build all the samples. For example, the following command builds Win32 release versions of all the samples:
    buildall release

    To build debug versions, specify debug instead of release.

To build all the samples on Windows 95 or 98

  1. Add the definition of DSR_ATL to the Autoexec.bat file. For example:
  2. Make sure your environment variables are correctly set by running the Vcvars32.bat batch file from the Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98 directory.

  3. On the command line, set your directory to Samples and run Buildall.bat to build all the samples. For example, the following command builds Win32 release versions of all the samples:
    buildall release

    To build debug versions, specify debug instead of release.