
class CFuncDesc

The CFuncDesc class encapsulates a FUNCDESC structure. See the Automation Programmer's Reference in the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) for additional information.

#include <addyn.h>

Class Members

Method Description
AddParameter (CElemDesc *pElemDesc, BOOL bOptional) Adds a parameter to the method.
Attach (int iIndex, ITypeInfo *ptiSrc); Attaches the CFuncDesc to a FUNCDESC structure.
CFuncDesc Constructor.
GetCallConv (CALLCONV *pCallconv) Returns the calling convention for the method.
GetCParams (int *pCParams) Returns the number of parameters for the method.
GetCSCodes (int *pcScodes) Returns the number of SCodes for the method.
GetFuncFlags (WORD *pwFuncFlags) Returns the function flags for the method.
GetFuncName (BSTR *pbstrFuncName) Returns the name of the method.
GetInvKind (INVOKEKIND *pInvkind) Returns the invocation (INVOKEKIND) for the method.
GetMemId (MEMBERID *pMemid) Returns the member ID for the method.
GetNames (SAFEARRAY **ppSarray) Returns the names of the method and its parameters.
GetParameter (CElemDesc **ppElemDesc, int iCount) Returns a parameter from the method' type information.
GetRetCodes (SCODE **pprgScode) Returns the function return codes for a methods.
GetReturnType (CElemDesc **ppElemDesc) Returns the return type of the method.
GetSrcTypeInfo (ITypeInfo **ppTypeInfo) Provides access to the type information of the method.
SetCallConv (CALLCONV Callconv) Sets the calling convention for the method.
SetFuncFlags (WORD wFuncFlags) Sets the function flags for the method.
SetFuncName (BSTR bstrFuncName) Sets the name of the method.
SetInvKind (INVOKEKIND Invkind) Sets the invocation (INVOKEKIND) for the method.
SetMemId (MEMBERID Memid) Sets the member ID for the method.
SetRetCodes (SCODE *prgScode, int iCount) Sets the function return codes for the methods.
SetReturnType (CElemDesc *pElemDesc) Sets the return type of the method.

Operator Description
operator FUNCDESC Extracts the ELEMDESC structure from the CElemDesc object.

See Also

Step 2: Use Helper Classes to Add Methods and Properties