
template < class T, REGENTRY * pdsRegArray >
class CComDesignerBase



The class implementing the designer.


Pointer to REGENTRY array.

CComDesignerBase is a base class that all designers should derive from. It provides a set of useful helper functions and macros for designer registration. When you create a designer using the ActiveX Designer Wizard, the wizard automatically derives your class from CComDesignerBase.

Through a set of macros, CComDesignerBase provides built-in support for registration. See Registration Macros for details.

If you need only registration features and do not require support for a toolbox or a nonvisual run-time designer, you can derive the designer class directly from this class.

#include <adbase.h>

Class Members


Member Description
CustomRegistration Provides custom registration features.
InitDesigner Initializes default designer support.
UpdateDesignerFeatures Registers information from the registration map.
UpdateRegKeyValues Sets or updates the static member data for the CComDesignerBase class.