Creating an Application with an ActiveX Designer

Through Visual Basic menus, an end user can add a previously defined ActiveX designer to the development environment, and then incorporate it into an executable Visual Basic program.

The table below lists the steps involved in creating a simple application that uses an ActiveX designer. For each user step, Visual Basic takes one or more actions. The sections that follow describe these actions in detail.

User action Visual Basic action
Installs an ActiveX designer. None.
Adds an ActiveX designer to the environment. Obtains the list of ActiveX designers.
Adds an instance of an ActiveX designer to the project. Creates and initializes a visual designer.

Displays the designer's user interface in a frame.

Browses and edits properties. Uses property browser.
Manages the user's selections.
Tracks changes to type information.
Writes code attached to an ActiveX designer. Displays the code window.
Builds or runs the project. Notifies the designer to persist its run-time state, then creates a run-time object.
Clicks End to stop execution. Ceases execution and destroys the run-time designer instance.