Document Conventions

The following table lists the typographic conventions this document uses:

Convention Description
bold Words in bold with all lowercase letters indicate C++ keywords and data types. For example, if, double.
Bold Words in bold with initial letter capitalized indicate names of interfaces, properties, and methods; registry keys and subkeys; and names of menus. For example, IActiveDesigner, QueryInterface, ToolBoxBitmap32, Insert menu.
BOLD Words in bold with all capital letters indicate Windows API data types and structures. For example, FUNCDESC.
italics Words in italic letters indicate variables or placeholders for information you supply. For example, dwFlags.
UPPERCASE Words in all capital letters indicate key names and key sequences, flags, and enumeration constants. For example, ESC, ENTER, E_NOTIMPL, HELP_WHATS_THIS_MODE_ON.
Mixed Case Words in mixed case indicate names of directories and files. For example, C:\Msdev, MyDesigner.dll.
Monospace Words in the Monospace font indicate code, variables, and error message text. For example, MyString = "Hello, world!"