
Returns the CLSID of the run-time object.

HRESULT GetRuntimeClassID(



[out] CLSID of the run-time object created by the ActiveX designer.

Return Values

The designer returns one of the following values:

Return Value Meaning
S_OK The method succeeded.
E_FAIL The method failed for an unknown reason.
E_NOTIMPL The run-time and design-time objects are the same.


The designer implements this method.

The host calls GetRuntimeClassID to get the CLSID of the run-time object. The CLSID is also marked in the registry entry for the ActiveX designer under the Instance CLSID heading.

Designers that do not create a separate run-time object should return E_NOTIMPL.


In the following example, the CLSID is retained as a constant and returned on request by GetRuntimeClassID:

STDMETHODIMP CMyDesigner::GetRuntimeClassID
  CLSID *pclsid
  CHECK_POINTER(pclsid)   ;

  *pclsid = CLSID_RuntimeInstance;
  return S_OK;