SCodeNavigate Service

The site provides the SCodeNavigate service for components that need to assist users in navigating from an object to its associated code. Using the service, a designer can manipulate the user interface to cause navigation. For example, when a user double-clicks an ActiveX designer, the designer can call DisplayDefaultEventHandler to display the code for the default event.

SCodeNavigate includes two interfaces, ICodeNavigate and ICodeNavigate2, as listed in the following table:

Interface Method Description
ICodeNavigate DisplayDefaultEventHandler Displays the default event handler for an object.
ICodeNavigate2 DisplayDefaultEventHandler Displays the default event handler for an object.
  DisplayEventHandler Displays a named event handler for an object.

Because the ICodeNavigate2 interface derives from ICodeNavigate, it includes the DisplayDefaultEventHandler method in addition to DisplayEventHandler. The DisplayDefaultEventHandler method is identical in both interfaces.

The service identifier (SID) for this service is SID_SCodeNavigate.