Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture

Transmitting Enhancement Announcements, Files, and Triggers

Your authoring tool can call methods of the IATVEFSend interface in order to transmit configured announcements, packaged files, and triggers. This interface is exposed by the ATVEFSnd.dll library.

Before you can transmit an announcement, your application must configure it as described in Configuring Announcements. To transmit an announcement, call IATVEFSend::SendAnnouncement.

Note that a CATVEFAnnouncement object stores information about only a single announcement. If your application changes any of the announcement field values (by calling methods of IATVEFAnnouncement) it must call IATVEFSend::Connect afterwards to reconnect using the new settings. For more information about this process, see Connecting to a Transmission Source.

Before you can transmit a trigger, you must first configure the trigger as described in Configuring Triggers. To send a trigger, call IATVEFSend::SendTrigger. The trigger script is set at transmit time, so you can send different types of triggers without reconfiguring the trigger object. Note that size of the trigger transmission cannot exceed 1472 bytes.

The first step in transmitting a file is to package it together with its dependencies. Because this can take some time, it is recommended that you create the package as far in advance as possible. This helps ensure that the time spent creating the package does not delay the transmission. The process for creating a package is described in Packaging Files.

Your application can transmit a package by calling IATVEFSend::SendPackage. Note that a CATVEFPackage object only contains information about a single package. If your application needs to transmit multiple packages, it should create multiple CATVEFSnd objects as described in Creating Packages.

When your application is finished transmitting the enhancement, it should close the connection. It can do this either by destroying the CSendATVEFInserter or CSendATVEFMulticast object or by calling IATVEFSend::Disconnect.

For more information, and sample code, see Sending Announcements, Packages, and Triggers.