Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture


Initializes a CSendATVEFInserter object to send its data as SLIP-encoded frames over a TCP connection to the VBI Inserter using default compression options.

Initialize (
  ULONG InserterIP,
  USHORT InserterPort


The IP address (in host order) of the VBI Inserter on the network.
The port (in host order) on which the VBI Inserter is listening for data from content server applications.


Use this method if you wish to use the default compression options and your content server application is not talking to any VBI Inserter with more than a single instance of CSendATVEFInserter. Under the default compression options, four out of every five SLIP frames that are sent out have their IP and UDP headers compressed in the manner described in the Internet Draft "The Transmission of IP Over the Vertical Blanking Interval of a Television Signal." The compression key is assigned automatically. One out of every five SLIP frames is transmitted uncompressed so that clients who tune in late have timely access to the data necessary to reconstruct the compressed headers.

If you wish to use a higher compressed-to-uncompressed ratio, or disable compression completely, or if your application uses more than one instance of CSendATVEFInserter to send multiple enhancement streams through a single VBI Inserter, then you should use the IATVEFInserterConfig::InitializeEx method.