Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture

Using Video Enhancements (ATVEF)

An ATVEF-compliant content server application is responsible for sending announcements, triggers, and packages of content data in a format that ATVEF-compliant broadcast clients can recognize. Announcements and triggers are text-based messages that follow a prescribed format. Packages are gzip-compressed, MIME-encoded archives of the HTML files and graphics that will be displayed on the client. You can include any type of file in a package, even if it is not a format that ATVEF clients are required to support.

Using the ATVEFSnd component, you can send your announcements, triggers, and packages either directly or indirectly to a VBI Inserter, which inserts the data into the vertical blanking interval of an analog TV signal, or else directly to a computer network. Whichever approach you choose, the data is sent as IP multicast datagrams.

For more information about how to write enhancement authoring tools using ATVEFSnd.dll, see Building ATVEF Enhancement Authoring Tools.