Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture |
Each CChannelProperty object corresponds to a single record of the Channel Property table in the Guide database. These objects are created and initialized by CChannelPropertyRecordset objects.
The CChannelProperty class provides the following methods, which your application can use to set and retrieve the values of fields for a CChannelProperty object.
Method | Description |
SetChannelID | Sets the value of the CP Channel ID field. |
SetBroadcastPropertyID | Sets the value of the CP Broadcast Property ID field. |
ChannelID | Retrieves the value of the CP Channel ID field. |
BroadcastPropertyID | Retrieves the value of the CP Broadcast Property ID field. |
Windows NT/2000: Unsupported.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 98.
Header: Declared in chprop.h.
Import Library: Use dbsets.lib or dbsetsst.lib.