Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture


The CDatabaseConnection class provides the root encapsulation of the Jet database engine. Before you can use any of its methods, you must first call the SetJet method.

The CDatabaseConnection class provides the following methods.

Method Description
StartEngine Starts the Jet database engine.
ConnectToDatabase Opens a connection to the Guide database.
DisconnectFromDatabase Closes a connection to the Guide database.
GetWorkspaceName Retrieves the name of the workspace opened by the SetJet call.
GetWorkspaceUnknown Gets a pointer to the workspace opened by the SetJet call.


  Windows NT/2000: Unsupported.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 98.
  Header: Declared in dbsets.h.
  Import Library: Use dbsets.lib or dbsetsst.lib.

See Also
