Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture

Loadstub Syntax

When Loadstub runs as a task in Task Scheduler, you specify the following syntax in the Run field of a scheduled task

PathLoadstub.exe /L:Loader_GUID [Options] 

where the Path, Loader_GUID, and Options parameters are defined as follows:

Path to the Loadstub.exe component. If the path contains spaces, the path and file name must be surrounded by quotation marks ("), for example: "C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\Loadstub.exe"
Globally unique identifier (GUID) of the loader. This parameter is required.
Additional optional arguments. These can be any combination of the following.
Argument Description
/C Repairs and compacts the Guide database.
/E:Tuning Space GUID Empties all data from the specified tuning space, where Tuning Space GUID is the GUID of a tuning space. If Tuning Space GUID is not specified, Loadstub empties the tuning space for the loader specified in the /l option.
/R Repairs the database.
/X Replaces the database. The replacement file is specified by the registry value

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TV Services\DBReplacementFile

Storing a file name in this key enables an application to replace the database programmatically.

/P Partially updates the database. This option allows a loader to implement a "quick" mode and a normal mode. For example, in quick mode, a loader might only gather the next four hours of Program Guide data, rather than the next two-and-a-half days.

Note: Because the data format varies between loader libraries, this option is not handled by the Loadstub component. Instead, Loadstub passes this option as an argument to the loader. Thus, in order for this option to work, it must be supported by the loader.

/I:data_location Specifies the location of the data file with which to update the database, where data_location is that location. If this option is not set, Loadstub uses the location stored in the registry. For the Gemstar G-Guide loader, this option specifies the name of the data file.

Note: Because the type of data passed for this option varies, this option is not handled by the Loadstub component. Instead, Loadstub passes this option as an argument to the loader. Thus, in order for this option to work, it must be supported by the loader.

/LEH filename Loads the enhancement control file named in filename. Enhancements Control File and Text Files describes the format for this file.

The following example runs the Gemstar G-Guide loader, loading data from C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Ssdata.bin instead of the location specified in the registry.

"C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\LOADSTUB.EXE" /L:{C94D1940-9F69-11d0-BDB8-0000F8027346} /P /I:"C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\ssdata.bin"

Note that because the path to the data contains spaces, it is surrounded by quotation marks. You can also use short directory names, as shown following.

C:\Progra~1\TV Viewer\LOADSTUB.EXE /L:{C94D1940-9F69-11d0-BDB8-0000F8027346} /P /I:C:\Windows\Tempor~1\ssdata.bin