Platform SDK: Broadcast Architecture


The GetRecordsetObject method initializes a recordset object with values from the corresponding table in the Guide database. C syntax is shown.

void *GetRecordsetObject(void)



Return Values

Returns a void pointer to the record at the current record pointer. Your application should cast this void pointer to the corresponding object type.


The table-specific version of GetRecordsetObject is implemented by the CTableNameRecordset objects that inherit from CDatabaseRecordset. For example, to initialize an episode recordset object your application calls the GetRecordsetObject method of a CEpisodeTRecordset object. Thus, your application should cast the void pointer returned by CEpisodeTRecordset::GetRecordsetObject to a CEpisodeT pointer.

For more information on the inheritance structure of the Guide data objects, see About Guide Data Objects.


  Windows NT/2000: Unsupported.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 98.
  Header: Declared in dbsets.h.
  Import Library: Use dbsets.lib or dbsetsst.lib.